The Fight Fund
The BoxSTRONG community has grown into much more than strangers working out together. We live our lives as friends and family – celebrating milestones, grieving losses, sharing vulnerable moments, seeking wisdom, worshiping shoulder to shoulder, and supporting one another. This community stands apart because we have chosen to be intentional to not just show up for a workout but to FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT unified.
The Fight Fund was originally inspired after a member of our community found that a season of their life called for eliminating some expenses temporarily - BoxSTRONG being one of those. However, it was decided by our team that their mental, emotional and physical health needed to be cared for especially during that financial disruption. Thus, a package was provided for this member to continue on their normal routine.
Shortly after, we decided to establish a more formal method of fundraising which could create a reserve for this type of need in the future. In 2020, we created The Fight Fund. Since then, it is read: BoxSTRONG Coffee, Waters, Treats, Toiletries, etc. are all complimentary. Help yourself always! Additionally, if you feel so inclined to give a monetary thank you – we ask that you give to our Fight Fund. which will be used when:
someone in our community is in need financially
someone is fundraising for those inside/outside our community
someone has a heart for a mission or organization
someone within our community could use our support on purchasing a package
The family member who originally inspired the creation of this fund through their transparency and receipt of the gift, promised to pay forward this gift and has regularly and quietly given to the Fight Fund ever since. Their vulnerability to share, humility to receive and faithfulness to continue giving is what the Spirit of the Fight Fund is all about.
We at BoxSTRONG passionately believe that giving and serving one another will bring us and others a greater amount of joy! Wherever there is a need, a heart, or a passion for our neighbor – we believe the BoxSTRONG Community can help to meet that need.
Please communicate any needs you know of to one of the following individuals for support, financial assistance, and prayer. Even if this means you personally! We have all been in tight spots – this is a judgment free zone.
Mallori Diamond, BoxSTRONG Owner & Fight Fund Manager
Joshua Diamond, BoxSTRONG Owner & CPA
Jill Fischer, BoxSTRONG Coach
Sarah Lozier, BoxSTRONG Coach
Marybeth Seiling, BoxSTRONG Coach
Julia Yaccich, BoxSTRONG Coach
Nick Conjeski, BoxSTRONG Fight Fund Advisory Team
Linda Jurick, BoxSTRONG Fight Fund Advisory Team
Lindsay Roman, BoxSTRONG Fight Fund Advisory Team
We pray that as our community hears of needs that arise, their hearts would be free of judgment (Lk 6:37-38), softened (Deut 15:7-8) and eager to carry each other's burdens (Gal 6:2). May we all commit first and foremost to pray over our brothers and sisters. And if God prompts our hearts to give, to do so freely, cheerfully (Cor 9:7-9) and generously (1 Tim 6:17-19). That our spirit of giving not be measured by our wealth but from the posture of our hearts (Lk 21:1-4). We are blessed. Let’s be a blessing!
You may give to the Fight Fund by dropping cash in our collection at the studio or by submitting a Venmo payment to @BoxSTRONG-Fight-Fund

BoxSTRONG Fight Fund Advisory Team: Linda Jurick, Lindsay Roman & Nick Conjeski
This team is committed to responsible and accountable oversight of Mallori Diamond's fund management.